Vaccines have protected us against life threatening diseases and development impediment for more than 200 years. With the help of vaccines we can advance without burdens like polio and smallpox, which have taken the lives of millions in the past.
Though vaccines aren’t a “cure all solution”, they will assist us on the path to a world where we can be together once more. They continue to advance, pushing us further away from a world suffering from childhood diseases like measles, and closer to a world free from tuberculosis.
“A critical part of the solution to the pandemic, but not alone
Vaccines are a critical new tool in the battle against COVID-19. Working as quickly as they can, scientists from across the world are collaborating and innovating to bring us tests, treatments and vaccines that will collectively save lives and end this pandemic.
Safe and effective vaccines will be a game changer: but for the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, physically distancing and avoiding crowds.
Together, we can end the COVID-19 pandemic and achieve a healthier world for all.” – World Health Organization
Find out where you can receive the COVID-19 Vaccine here.